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  • Boy, this is awkward...

    Looks like you're using some sort of ad blocker? We don't blame you, but we're not one of those sites that allows for annoying ads that mess with your use of our site. Please consider adding xladv.com to your ad blocker "whitelist". Quality, unobtrusive ads keeps our lights on and the site free to riders everywhere.

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    Whitelist Instructions:

    adblock_plus.png Adblock Plus Instructions

    1. Click on the shield icon on the left side of the address bar
    2. Click the blue power button.
    3. Click refresh

    firefox_tracking_protection.png Firefox Tracking Protection

    1. Click on the shield icon on the left side of the address bar
    2. Click the toggle that says "Enhanced Tracking protection for this site"

    ios_safari.png iOS Safari

    1. Tap on the "aA" icon on the left side of the address bar
    2. Tap "Website Settings"
    3. Tap the toggle that says "Use Content Blockers"
    4. Tap "Done"

    ad_aware.png Ad Aware Instructions

    1. Click on the AdAware icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the large orange power button

    adblock.png Adblock Instructions

    1. Click the AdBlock icon
    2. Click "Don't run on pages on this site"

    adblock_genesis.png Adblock Genesis Instructions

    1. Click on the Adblock Genesis icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the button that says "Whitelist Website"

    adguard.png Adguard Instructions

    1. Click on the Adguard icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the toggle next to the "Protection on this website" text

    adremover.png Adremover Instructions

    1. Click on the AdRemover icon in the extension bar
    2. Click the "Don’t run on pages on this domain" button
    3. Click "Exclude"

    brave.png Brave Instructions

    1. Click on the orange lion icon to the right of the address bar
    2. Click the toggle on the top right, shifting from "Up" to "Down"

    disconnect.png Disconnect Instructions

    1. Click on the Disconnect icon in the extension bar
    2. Click the button that says "Whitelist Site"

    duck_duck_go.png Duck Duck Go Instructions

    1. Click on the DuckDuckGo icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the toggle next to the words "Site Privacy Protection"

    ghostery.png Ghostery Instructions

    1. Click on the Ghostery icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the "Trust Site" button

    opera.png Opera Instructions

    1. Click on the blue shield icon on the right side of the address bar
    2. Click the toggle next to "Ads are blocked on this site"

    privacy_badger.png Privacy Badger Instructions

    1. Click on the Privacy Badger icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the button that says "Disable Privacy Badger for this site"

    super_adblocker.png Super Adblocker Instructions

    1. Click on the Super Adblocker icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the "Don’t run on pages on this domain" button
    3. Click the "Exclude" button on the pop-up

    ublocker.pnguBlocker Instructions

    1. Click on the uBlocker icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on "Don’t run on pages on this domain"
    3. Click the "Exclude" button on the pop-up

    ublock.png uBlock Instructions

    1. Click on the uBlock icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the big, blue power button
    3. Refresh the web page

    ublock_origin.png uBlock Origin Instructions

    1. Click on the uBlock Origin icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the big, blue power button
    3. Refresh the web page

    ultrablock.png Ultrablock Instructions

    1. Click on the UltraBlock icon in the extension bar
    2. Click on the "Disable UltraBlock for ‘domain name here’" button
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