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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2023 in Posts

  1. Took me long enough to get back here on the site, right? Well, I'm in the SF Bay Area now and my KLR is stuck in Mulege until I get down there after covid restrictions. Aarg! Have been busy writing but not as much riding as I'd like. Wanting that to even out more. I mean, motorcycling is the new safe sport, right? I wrote the moto adv column in Discover Baja, if you're looking for great places to explore. It's mostly about the border to the middle of Baja, Loreto-ish. It's about 4x4 and trailering your bike, too. I did a 4x4 trip across from Loreto to Scorpion Bay that was epic. Camped on the beach and learned to surf (sort of). Highly recommended. And here's the KTM 450 EXC rigged for Baja - lowered, stabilizer, Rekluse, etc. Seemed like most of the time I just hung on and let it do its thing. I'll try not to be a stranger!
    1 point
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