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The 5.5” display is brighter than previous models and can be seen in any light. It’s also glove-friendly with crisp HD resolution in landscape or portrait mode.

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KTM 790 Adventure Problems
This video came out a few weeks ago and says things we already know about how great this new bike is and how eagerly anticipated it is.

It also points out some interesting things...
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High Sierra 2018
In the heat of summer, experience the cooler temps (6800' elevation) and epic big bike riding in the High Sierra. Gourmet catered meals (2 dinners, 2 breakfasts), professional photography, firewood, adult beverages, hot showers, bathrooms, nearby hot springs, general store. Vendor-sponsored raffle prizes! All to benefit Motorrad Angels(motorradangels.org), a charity that provides clean water filtration kits around the world.
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Doubletake Mirror Adventure Mirrors Review
This mirror is the product of much frustration- I spent years breaking other designs and wondering what was going on behind me on the road. Eventually, when I dropped my bike and found myself buying two(!) new master cylinders as a result, I decided it was time to make a really good mirror, one that would function well as a mirror, and also protect the bike (and me) from damage.
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V-strom on a race track?
Time, 05:15 h. My alarm clock rings and it’s time for me to get my breakfast in my stomach, take a shower and jump on my bike! The 1,5 hour drive to the TT race track in Assen took me to the TT junior track and the CRT Holland training ground for the CRE track training. Here I met with 37 fellow Suzuki riders. Greeting us where the men and women from Suzuki Motors Holland who set up this training day.
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