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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2015 in Posts

  1. I ride with a small enduro group thats basically out of Auburn California, we'll do some trips out of the area from time to time. For this meet, we met up in Truckee California around 10:00AM. The plan was for a 4 to 6 hour ride with a lunch stop. The ride consisted of water crossings, hill climbs, long large deep tunnels, and good views. Only one incident that day, a guy on a DRZ 400 in front of me launch himself off a cliff. It was a steep hill with large rocks covering the whole trail, what I'm guessing is his rear tire hit a rock funny and that caused him to goose the throttle then it launched him and his bike right off the trail. Video of the recovery below https://youtu.be/fOYOa6dzzHE I had the only big adventure bike that day! I kept up with them all day!
    2 points
  2. Thanks! I am in the upland, montclair area. I would like to do the fish creek ride but I will be on a two week ride to canda with some friends.
    2 points
  3. Sometimes it's necessary to break some rules to get a great ride in! 4th of July after our little town's annually parade in Mendocino California, a couple of fellow big bike adventures decided to get some riding in while everyone was partying in town. Location is Woodland state park, off limits to motorcycles. We would ride these trails in high school when these rules weren't enforced, now everything is over grown and we were literally bull dozing through the woods. Someone was smart and brought a small pocket size handsaw, we cut down so many branches and trees with that little thing. One instance we were sitting on our bikes talking and next thing you know, my friend loses his balance and drops his KTM adventure on me. Pictures below:) This up hill looks more intense in person https://youtu.be/dWhVu8kLokw Hidden tree under the grass gets in my way https://youtu.be/g7A_9B9PAWA KTM taking on a small hill https://youtu.be/L20OOPJ-8SY
    1 point
  4. Hey, a little light trail riding near Silver Lake on the 4th. The V did well but the seat height leaving me on my toes was interesting on uneven ground.
    1 point
  5. Hey Steve. I ride with a group that does all their planning on Meetup.com. Were called Auburn Dual Sport riders. Here's the link to the page http://www.meetup.com/Auburn-Dual-Sport-Motorcycle-Riders/ Its $5.00 a year. Not much for some well planned rides. Hope to see you out sometime!
    1 point
  6. Hey guys, Great ride. Nice to have many hands and backs to bring an errant bike back up the mountainside. I live in Miami now, but lived in CA many years. I rode Husky's all over SoCal deserts and did Baja solo a few times. Planning on moving back to CA. Auburn, Placerville or Reno are likely destinations. Would love to join up with you guys. Please give me your group leader's contact info. Thanks, Steve Denlinger [email protected]
    1 point
  7. Thanks for the post! Well the next time you are on your way to Tahoe with some time try 49 to Coloma to Marshall grade to George town out to Ice House rd back to 50. Great 2 lane road stuff out there. The key to soft terrain riding and stream crossings is to stand low and stay back on the bike as far as possible keeping the power on equal weight on the pegs. The V doesn't seem like it would lend itself to allow for deep stream crossings. My pic is a stream about 0.5 meter deep.
    1 point
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