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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2015 in Posts

  1. Haven't posted on the forum yet. I currently reside in San Dimas, CA. Currently riding a 2015 BMW 1200 GSA, white. Previously a red 2014 800 GSA. I have ridden with a few members of XLADV, those that have know me as Dusty. As of this week I'm currently unemployed by choice, so planning to ride for the next six to twelve weeks. No set destinations or schedule other then I will be in the snowy range mountains of wyoming around the first weekend of September. I will attempt to post some pics and notes of my adventures. I'm not very good about doing so on previous rides, I tend to focus on the ride and taking everything in. So tech and photos along the trip are easily forgotten and tend to be low on the priority list. Dusty
    2 points
  2. Nice pic, what part of Tn are you in, I'm north of nashville
    1 point
  3. I was seriously contemplating quitting and blasting up to ID to meetup with you guys. Just wasn't the right time at that point. Would love to go on the Sierra ride, but that is the same weekend I have to in WY for a wedding. Don't think it would go over very well with the bride and groom if one the groomsmen decided to go riding instead of attending.
    1 point
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