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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2016 in Posts

  1. I only got to enjoy 3/4 of a day of rising but I did manage to piece this short clip together with what footage I had. If I get dig up some more I will post it. Cheers.
    1 point
  2. Dear all GS fans Cheers from Colombia. This is one my first post on this forum. I'm facing (again) an electrical fail on my 07' GSA. It's a kind of missfiring when WOT. The iddle it's fine, no fail or shaking, just perfect. The fail just come up when a twist suddenly the throttle. For the records, about 8 months ago the bike had the same issue, so i decided to check the coils and i found that one of them had a missing connector from the main harness to the coil itself and was linked and soldered directly to the connector that goes into the coil. One on the wires was unstuck from the connector which i assume was causing the missifiring when twisting the throttle. At that time, the fail dissapeared but now has returned again . Last weekend i performed an maintenance to the bike including spark plugs change and i seviced again the wires into the coil connector but fail it's still there. Does anyone has faced this issue or hear about it? Any suggestion? i appreciate your responses. I have attached a picture of the wiring harness before the job i did to the wires and an audio clip with the fail.
    1 point
  3. Hi there, I just broke the rear shock on my bike and am hoping to upgrade, but don't want to spend 2000 dollars. Hoping to find something better than my old stock shock for well under 1000 bucks. Ideally a stock shock from a much newer 12GS. I'm a tall guy, 6'5, so I don't mind if the bike is taller. And I know that if I get a taller shock I might have some problems with the center stand and or kick stand, I am willing to cross those bridges when I get to them. I will also figure out what to do with the front end height after replacing the rear shock. So my questions are... 1. Are there any newer stock GS shocks that I absolutely should use? Shouldn't use? 2. Will a taller shock put undue stress on my axle U joints? I'm a big guy and ride my beast like a dirt bike when I'm off road. 3. What random tidbits of info or stories do you have about rear shocks on my bike? Any info helps. Thanks so much
    1 point
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