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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2016 in Posts

  1. Are the shims 7.48mm on the 15' Tiger XCx? Also, any suggestion on bendable feeler gauges? Thank You for your responses and suggestions. Research: (From a 2011 model response) BTW, Shims are of the 7.48 diameter variety. Job was not difficult, just follow the manual. The only quirky part is that once the cam shafts are in, and before tightening up the camshaft ladder (hold down mont) you really want to put tension on the cam-chain. The book mentions putting tension on it, just not during the early part of the buttoning up phase. If you don't put tension on it, the chain "can" sorta bunch up between the cam gears at top requiring you to pull the camshaft ladder again. Other than that, the manual is excellent. Oh, and you really want narrower feeler gauges as the exhaust shims are tough to get to and the thick feeler gauges (.325 to .375 mm) don't bend very well if they are of the 1/2 wide variety. Even bent they are a pain to get a good reading. I picked up some 1/4 inch wide ones and they work great.
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