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What I Hate About Facebook!

Eric Hall



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What do I hate about Facebook? I’ll tell you what I hate about Facebook! I hate the vague-bookers, braggers, candy crush gamers, etc…

That’s not really what I’m going to blog here about though. I’d rather focus on where Facebook falls short for us big bike adventure riders.

The biggest gripe I have is probably how temporary, fleeting and unorganized everything is. You see a really good set of photos from an event or special trip and then a few days later, they’re essentially gone. And forget any kind of in-depth ride report. Mostly it’s just a photo and a short commentary if you’re lucky. And then when you go to try and find something you’ve seen before or from a particular event, good luck! It’s not really that easy to search for it.

Another gripe is how damn repetitive it is! How many tire and oil threads per week can one person possibly read?!!! The same questions get asked/answered over and over and over again. Information isn’t catalogued or organized in any fashion.

People just don’t seem as nice or helpful either. Smart ass replies, thread hijacking, pissing matches, questions regarding factors already answered by the original post or a subsequent reply, etc... can really get annoying after awhile. That’s when that “stop notifications” feature really comes in handy!

These are all part of why XLADV was created in the first place. Facebook can be fun and enjoyable, but it’s like cotton candy; fun at first and then it’s gone (and not particularly good for you).

Park that special ride report here! Start a discussion on what types of panniers you’d like to buy. Peruse the product reviews to see which tire is going to work best for your next trip. Find ADV rides in your area and/or list your own. Check out our fabulous photo gallery and upload your own favorites.

XLADV: Size matters


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Preach it brutha! Com on! ;)


What Eric is saying is that if you're an XLADV facebook "fan" and reading this, click the "Create Account" button in the upper right and help us build something special, a place of our own! 👍


Our vision is a community that is fun, interesting, inspiring, and full of valuable info. But, with a commitment to keeping the place respectful, classy, and devoid of Internet pissing matches, defending our choice of what we ride. That is just useless "noise" and if you're like us, you want something better.


We've created tools, features, and organization that make it easier to find and consume only what you're most interested in. And, we've also created things like the "Garage" where you can showcase your rides, your mods, and others can learn from what you've done. You can even rate your bike and each mod, again, helping those around you learn from your experience. When they do the same, it benefits you and so on.




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