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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2015 in Posts

  1. BTW, I think that doohickey is called a circlip. I always called it a "Jesus clip" because you'd try to take it off and it would fling across the garage and you'd shout "Jesus!."
    1 point
  2. Alright, are you ready for this? Because I sure as heck was not... Let's put the bike on the side stand. Good... Now... Let's remove the center stand! :eek1:eek1:eek1:huh:huh Well, yes... the skid plates goes there! Using this doohickey, I removed the safety pin (woohoo!!) Then, I tried to remove the tube, cylinder, mini barrel, whatever... Yeah, ain't happening. Did I mention that AltRider made sure I have all the tools required? Well, I'm not sure this is what I was supposed to do with the extension, but it worked! Rinse and repeat (on the other side). And... This is why we wear protection people! Let me tell you my goggles saved me! LOOK MA! NO CENTER STAND! Did I mention the bike needed to be in the side stand? :lol3 So now, using the screws also provided... We secure the front side of the skid plate. Then we put the barrel thingie back through the plate first. Then we put the safety pin back. We repeat the same process on the other side. Now, you'll see that in this picture, I... forgot... to put the skid plate before putting the barrel thingie in. So, sue me! Then we secure the barrel thing with the screws provided. Make sure the thread and head type matches! Tighten everything back and you're good go! NOTES: 1. Make sure you tighten back EVERYTHING!!! 2. Use Loctite thread lock where instructed! (not shown in pictures) Here's the final product! HEY!!! I want to see YOU trying fitting 4 bikes and a trailer in a one-car garage! Don't look at my mess :shog So.... people will ask me: "WHY THE HECK DID YOU REMOVE THE BDCW??!" Well, among other things because I think the AltRider looks more... stylish. Yes, I'm that guy. Maybe, I'll regret it, maybe not. It is a matter of taste people. Both products are superior. Well, I don't know yet about the AltRider one. I'm going to ride the same terrain in 2 weeks. I'll let you know! Dimitri, out!
    1 point
  3. Looks like a great time! Nice report, pics and video! I'm thinking that I need to make a trek down there... maybe someday.
    1 point
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