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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2015 in Posts

  1. Decided to take a day trip over to Lake County yesterday, I've been watching the news and Google's California wild fire map https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zp8nK_5H0MFQ.kzTmU5XK-qJQ for weeks now. Last year I found so many hidden trails in these hills, some great riding if you look in the right places, now its all up in flames. The Rocky fire is almost fully contained but another fire rages south of it called the Jerusalem fire. Being the sneaky adventure rider I am, I found newly bulldozed firebreaks and open gates into some untouched riding areas that made for a great day of solo riding!
    2 points
  2. Just got done with the IDBDR the other day and making my way back home. I will be posting a ride report shortly. Overall, it was a great trip. It is long, dusty and not as difficult as other BDR's like CO or AZ. The project 990 bike did very well. I did have three flats but had I been running heavy duty tubes, that most likely would not have happened. It was great to finally meet Nate in person as well as ride with Mats again (we did COBDR together two years ago).
    1 point
  3. I need one. I do a lot of solo riding and a lot of what ifs pop in my head while I'm out there. Currently in a career transition at the moment, can't afford to much. Something like that is on my list.
    1 point
  4. Our event sponsors and what they are providing: BMW US Riders Academy ($ to offset your cost) Michelin Tire USA ($ to offset your cost) Jesse Luggage ($ to offset your cost) Black Dog Cycle Works (BDCW beanie, t-shirts, bottle openers, Enduristan tool roll) Giant Loop (Diablo tank bag, t-shirts) ADV Addicts (t-shirts, stickers) ACD Racing USA (gift cert for skid plates) Konflict Suspension (gift cert for suspension) Sena Bluetooth (two Prism video cameras) Woody's Wheel Works (t-shirts, hats, stickers)
    1 point
  5. I was heading back from IDBDR and thought I'd stop by Klim's headquarters in Rigby, ID. I ended up getting quite the tour! I had a stuck zipper on my Overland suit I wanted fixed as well as a new bladder formula hydration pack and some suspenders. Mark Kincart greeted me and I got an amazing tour of their offices. Got to see returns and exchanges, repair, stock room and some of their motorized toys. The coolest part though was seeing a new promotional product, their Adventure Blend coffee! No more Starbucks! Thanks Brad Barker for calling ahead on my behalf. I take back what I said about you not posting up at turns
    1 point
  6. And some slight changes... We are using the 690 fender, so we changed that and moved the XLADV logo further up and to the right, made it bigger. Switched a few other logos too.
    1 point
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