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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2015 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. We want this bike to do a lot of things; primarily to shred off road, but also to be a kind of rolling billboard for XLADV and some of the premiere sponsoring vendors and manufacturers out there. Before shot: You've probably seen a lot of bike builds done here and there and at the end of the day you have some kind of weird show pony that is completely irrelevant to the everyday rider. That is one of the main reasons I chose a 990; it's a bike that's already out there that you can pick up for around $8-$10k and still maybe have room in your budget to do a few nice things. I love my BMW GSA and would have liked to do a new one from the ground up, but then we'd be dealing with close to $30K and that is just out of reach for too many people. So what can you expect to see out of this project series? Let me lay it out for you... This bike will be a a lot of regional rides and events. Expect to see it, see pictures, see video. LOTS! We have a ride July 24th at Troy Meadow, our High Sierra ride Labor Day weekend and then KTM Rally in Crested Butte, CO, Horizons Unlimited in Yosemite in Oct, Taste of Dakar in Mar, Overland Expo in May and maybe a few more venues in-between like the IMS show in Long Beach, LAB2V, etc... Lots and lots of vendor discussion, photos, video of the build process and some insight from their perspective on what goes into their products, why they're designed as such, and measurable performance. I'm doing a pre-mod dyno run today to get a baseline power curve so we can see where we end up later. Lots and lots of questions and answers fielded and responded to from YOU, the big bike adventure rider. This is the place! If you'd like to keep tabs on the progress of our build, click the "Follow This Forum" button HERE.
    1 point
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