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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2016 in all areas

  1. Thank you! Nice looking collection. I was trying to find some nice Trail 70/90's prior to getting the Grom's but those things are selling for more than what they were brand new! Ha-ha We even looked at getting into some KLX110's but with the Grom's being street legal, it makes it easy to cruise and around down town La Plata, or the back roads around here. They are a riot. Also, nice Monster! I had an S2R 800 Monster way back when, and I loved that bike. There's just something about those Ducatis...Love'em! And I would defiantly be up for some riding! I'll respond to the PM.
    1 point
  2. Dave, Welcome to the Free State, and thank you for your service! I do not currently have a "big" adventure bike...but do have something that is more than capable of hauling off some GWNF miles. I'm in Ellicott City, 36 years old, and if you were looking for company to hit some off-road me and my DRZ (pictured sans luggage) would be up for that. (maybe send me a PM and we can make something happen?) Also, I love the Groms--but I already have a 44 year old one!???(no insult intended)
    1 point
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