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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2016 in Posts

  1. Picked up one of these watches recently mostly for the gym but also to try it out on some rides. I was doing some scouting for AltRider's Taste of Dakar this past weekend and used the watch primarily to record my tracks. I will try another time to use it to actually navigate a pre-loaded track. What I found was that it does an extremely good job of recording tracks. I had to choose "riding" mode, as in bicycle, because there isn't a "motorcycling" activity currently loading. It wanted me to wear the heart rate chest strap and then also approximated my calories burned assuming I was actually riding a bike. This screen shot is from the spoon my phone but you can see what an amazing job it does: The numbers you see aren't track points but some kind of "lap" number. I thought I was cycling and automatically cut it up into 5 min "laps." I will fiddle with it to see if I can load a motorcycling activity profile for next time. I also loaded a companion app called DWMaps (digital watch maps) that will let me actually follow a pre-loaded route. It doesn't currently work with Rever but it does with AllTrails and Ride With GPS. So a watch that records GPS tracks; a big deal? My phone does the same thing with Rever and I always have my phone with me. I will keep testing this and report back more. I may strap the watch to my Renthal bar pad to navigate next time. Stay tuned
    1 point
  2. Yeah those have been out for a long time. The two new ones are the Tractionator Adventure (70 dirt/30 street) and a new Tractionator GPS (50/50)
    1 point
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