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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2016 in Posts

  1. Not sure where you'd want it, but how about starting up a fitness thread? ADV related of course. What are people doing to make themselves better riders exercise wise? I'm personally starting to get the move on and hopefully gonna drop 50+ lbs over time. Would love to see a thread with everybody's experiences, what works, what doesn't. And while were at it, maybe a diet/healthy eating one as well? Both for at home, and what people are doing while traveling and on the bike in the bush? Just a thought and something that interests me.
    1 point
  2. Keep in mind that LED's DO NOT photograph well at all due to the frequency. We have been asked to do a side by side brightness comparison with stock and for video it can't be replicated well because the stock filament will always look brighter on video because it doesn't blink at a million miles an hour like LED's. Trust us when we tell you that these are extremely bright. We looked long and hard for this setup and wouldn't dream of putting anything out there that is sub par. Especially when it comes to brake lights. You just have to see them in person.
    1 point
  3. i lost the 50 ugly fat? got to find some to replace with meat want to go with eric again, till i can
    1 point
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