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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2016 in Posts

  1. Chad Harlan left this comment in the reviews section: Do you still revert to the E-09 or have you switched to the Tractionator ADV? I am an E-09 fan. I am considering the front but not completely convinced. The review thread on advrider seems to be more biased to road/slightly less aggressive riding. Although I am not a badass desert racer. I like the T-63 front and E-09 rear. I am leaning towards this tire. I do a lot of miles to get to the fun, but I am not concerned with road noise. They are knobbies, they will have noise regardless. Wind noise is a bigger issue for me. I like to have the bite when I get to what i want to ride. I still like the E09 a lot and it's a great choice for someone who prefers riding in the dirt over longer distance touring or commuting. Hard not to be a fan of that tire. I think you'll get equal if not slightly better off road traction with the Adventure because they simply give you more rubber: 15 mm to be exact. I used to get about 4200 miles off an E09 rear (GSA) and got 5400 from the Adventure. As good as the E09 is, it's hard for me to pass on another Adventure.
    1 point
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