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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2023 in Posts

  1. Thanks for the nice words. Brandon had reached out to me about sharing another post of Upshift Online's shortly after he started there but this must be like 3-4 years ago. I was kind of shocked to hear that he didn't want their posts shared but I was like "okay!" After that I just unfollowed them. I wasn't mad; I just was like "welp, I guess they don't want things shared." I thought it was super weird and thought it might be personal but since then I've learned they do that to everyone. I know there are many small-time accounts out there and mostly in other countries who will share content without attribution and asking them not to may make perfect sense. But there's a few pretty big accounts I know of including this one who've found themselves in that situation. I share content for ADVPulse quite a bit mostly because it's just good content. Rob Dabney doesn't give me anything to do so either. I've shared Brake Magazine stuff too. And then going back to the only other people who've asked me not to share what this guy from the PNW who fancies himself a photographer. He messaged me asking if I was going to pay him? I was like well.... no. Sorry. He said "well I see you run ads on your site and it's commercial so you can afford to pay me." Well, not exactly lol. The ad revenue amounted to maybe $15/month and the costs closer to $30/month. But I took his photo down and just stopped following him. Last year I shared a guy's video of him nearly falling off his moto on the side of a hill. He asked super politely that I not share it and I immediately deleted it. I think he felt it made him look bad which I totally understood. But the usual response has always been "thanks for the share!" One thing I never understood about their site is the whole digital viewer as if it's a real paper magazine. The problem is individual stories aren't linkable. If you google "xladv site:upshiftonline.com" you get zero results. But if I go to the June 2018 edition I can find the Mojave Rally story. Search engine referral traffic can in many cases be the large majority of a site's traffic. 93% of all web traffic is from search engines. To forego that seems odd but it does explain their domain authority score is so low relative to other adv websites. Given that one issue, I'd be like "share and share alike!" as much as I could to try and overcome that. I was very prominently posting stories about this spat on my histories at IG too. People need to think twice about coming after XLADV. "Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel." - Mark Twain
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