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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2015 in all areas

  1. Perfect timing. I was looking for something to do on my way to Las Vegas for the NAB. Just not sure if I will be camping or Ranching.
    1 point
  2. I've been digging into the boxer valve inspection and adjustment information this holiday season on my time off. The 12,000 mile service is around the corner and through my forum research I've found the boxer engine can have their timing get off? Why is this expectable BMW? My question is, if I find the timing off when performing the valve inspection. Can I have BMW adjust timing while its under factory warranty? I understand valves are a wear item and completely up to me to service on my dime, but timing? Just curious if anyone's been down the same path I'm about to take. The only way to know for sure is to ask a BMW service advisor but all I do is go in for warranty and they probably hate me by now I'm perfectly capable of doing everything myself but there's 3 tools required to do the adjustment on timing and there near $300!!
    1 point
  3. News Alert! Simon and Lisa from www.2ridetheworld.com take killer straps from Outback Motortek. Veteran adventure riders, Simon and Lisa Thomas has had enough troubles with their old straps that kept breaking on them. These guys needed something really serious to get the job done and they weren't going to risk their precious cargo anymore. Watch the video below to see their new choice for ultimate adventure moto straps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgAKKNhgvxo
    1 point
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