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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2015 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. Well, I simply couldn't pass on an additional 15% off dealer pricing on Yoshimura products yesterday and today. So, I picked up one of their RS4 slip ons. Not that the stock Tiger exhaust sounded bad. But, to me, it seem cartoonishly large for the bike and fairly heavy at 12.5lbs. And, it's a bike, so farkles are fun! Stock Sound - The Unmistakable "Whirl" of a Triumph Triple Yoshimura RS4 Slip-on Definitely more "bark"! Took it for a short ride and while louder, not loud or obnoxious. Now she sounds like she has a pair. Also, the Tiger breaths through a straw, so throttle response down low can be be a bit soft until revs build. Now, it might be just my butt dyno talking, but throttle response feels improved and the bike pulls a bit harder down low. It always pulled strong from the mid-range to red-line, but definitely stronger in this area. Pop on crackly/snap/pop on decel has increase slightly, but I can't say it bothers me. I can always pull in the clutch and slow down with just the brakes, avoiding engine braking. And, I think it looks a whole lot better, more proportionately sized for the bike: Total weight savings over stock: approx. 4.8lbs., soon to be negated by some farkle addition in the future.
    1 point
  3. I think that Honda Europe (who posted this) did an "uh oh!" and switched it back to private. That's too bad because what I saw what AWESOME! Basically two of the bikes; one in white/blue and another in red/white racing along a dirt road and then the engineers sitting at a table talking about how badass the bikes are I'm sure it will be public in a few days. It's all part of their teasing.
    1 point
  4. So the other night after one of our late night feedings I was telling Opal that her Mom rides a Harley. This is the reaction I got. For reference she is typically pretty cute.
    1 point
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