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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2015 in Posts

  1. Got it mounted in the rim
    3 points
  2. of course, 12+ hour days slow my ability to put the trip to screen. expect more tomorrow or the next day.
    1 point
  3. A lot of folks are riding (parts of) the WABDR this weekend if you want to hop on something soon: https://www.facebook.com/events/1465882530406276/
    1 point
  4. We are going to put one of these Endurocell tanks on the project bike tomorrow. I will have a video demo of that shortly
    1 point
  5. Then we started up the BDR, with some great 2 track not very far in. Other than a couple gates that were strung a bit tight the 2 track flowed great and it was really hard to remember we were on loaded 1200cc bikes with all our gear and not rip into it and slide around corners/jump over waterbars! No good pics of the 2 track though, I was having too much fun. The leaves were all turning in the area making for some great shots, and views with so much color, but this was only a hint of what the Rockies had for us over the trip. Then just as we were heading over the last pass and into Telluride, CO for the night disaster struck one of our bikes! [/img] Fortunately we had all the tools and skills needed to diagnose the problem, but we didn’t have the part we needed With 7 miles to the pavement we were able to help Orbel get over the pass, then coast down the hill on his own after removing the shaft With the assistance of a nice group of sideXside owners we got a lift into town where we would wait a few days for the part we needed so we could all continue the trip as a group. The rest of us road into Telluride where we setup camp in the city campground within walking distance of the downtown area. This was a great place to spend a few days waiting on parts.
    1 point
  6. This was also the night of the blood moon, that attracted photographers from all over, and after witnessing it I can see why!! Our small camera’s don’t do this justice, but you get the idea After a good night’s sleep, we woke to one of the best sunrises After packing up we hit the road, with the intention of running into Colorado and starting up the BDR from Dolores http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z175/svsbiker/UT%20CO%20BDR%20run%202015/DSCN2104_zps5kd8paba.jpg[/img A quick stop in Mexican Hat for breakfast and fuel we continued on into Colorado
    1 point
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