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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2016 in Posts

  1. A 690 built like that is on my short list of dream bikes... So sexy! I definitely need to make it down there to ride. It looks awesome!
    1 point
  2. Very cool! Pretty sure that's Mike ( adv molonlabemike) on the 690 and John on the Big'n. We rode together the day before when I took them and 3 others on Hunter Mtn/Paradise valley/teakettle/ Lippencott / saline valley loop. Good times. Saw you at Stovepipe wells restaurant Saturday as we were sitting down. Didn't realize who I saw until you were gone. Next time. Best weather I've had there. So much to see.
    1 point
  3. Met some really nice people at the campground. That's what's cool about solo adventure travel is that it gets you out of your bubble. For the first time ever, I decided to ride as much dirt as possible up to Death Valley and as a result saw a lot of new terrain. The pool at Stovepipe Wells I forgot to dry my tent out after the last time I used it and it was all mildewed. [emoji20] Some food porn of a really great dish I got to share with some folks in camp. I ate at Stovepipe the first night so I wasn't that hungry but it was sure good!
    1 point
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