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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2015 in Posts

  1. Looks like it'll be a great event, wish I could make it. Headed to Sedona that weekend to visit some family and do a bit of riding out there.
    1 point
  2. Look! A Video! What is it like to talk an amazing amount of crap on a ride through Colombia? Well here is the first person experience, complete with the most unadulterated, monstrous amount of crap ever spoken on a motorcycle. The beautiful in-helmet intercom audio is all thanks to our Sena 20S intercom system and Sena's audio-pack for GoPro, we just wanted to do a little demonstration for you guys on this magical device, works like a charm - Enjoy! www.greatamericantrek.com
    1 point
  3. Haven't received my Wolfman bags yet, they're on back order. I did find these pictures on advrider. This guy actually mounted them and doesn't have any problem with the angle.
    1 point
  4. Great video- What an epic ride!
    1 point
  5. I was heading back from IDBDR and thought I'd stop by Klim's headquarters in Rigby, ID. I ended up getting quite the tour! I had a stuck zipper on my Overland suit I wanted fixed as well as a new bladder formula hydration pack and some suspenders. Mark Kincart greeted me and I got an amazing tour of their offices. Got to see returns and exchanges, repair, stock room and some of their motorized toys. The coolest part though was seeing a new promotional product, their Adventure Blend coffee! No more Starbucks! Thanks Brad Barker for calling ahead on my behalf. I take back what I said about you not posting up at turns
    1 point
  6. Near Brian Head Utah Dalton HWY AK Brooks Range AK Outside of Deadhorse AK time is 2am. Climb over the Brooks Range and Atigun Pass Coral Pink Sand Dunes UT
    1 point
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