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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2015 in all areas

  1. of course, by definition, this would qualify as XSADV. http://www.engadget.com/2014/08/05/motoped-survival-bike-black-ops-ed/ "When the apocalypse arrives (zombie or otherwise), you'll need to be prepared for anything. Part of said preparedness should certainly involve transportation, and thanks to the folks at Motopeds, there's a legit option. The Survival Bike: Black Ops Edition hits the trail with a compound crossbow, fuel storage, shovel, tomahawk, harpoon, blade saw, climbing gear, lights and a smattering of tools and knives. To keep you on the correct (read: covert) path, there's a handlebar mount for that trusty smartphone or GPS unit needed to navigate. Unfortunately, there's no word on pricing, but the company's regular chassis kit includes everything you'll need minus the 4-stroke engine for $1,999." -Engadget
    2 points
  2. The Baja Rally starts this morning. You can track it live HERE I may go down tomorrow or just Friday for the finish in Ensenada.
    1 point
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