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  1. Rich and I are headed up to PSR today in his Jeep with the bikes on the trailer. A bit nippy today as well as windy! Our friend Ken Mooty passed away last December just a month after he rode with us here. I want us to remember him and to appreciate what we do just a bit more given every day is a gift. Some photos so far... All loaded up Pic from PSR's website Pic of Chris Hunt's little mud adventure on his way down through Nevada And Randy is coming on his KLR Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. Awesome! I will be headed up Wednesday w/Rich. I'd say half probably showing up Thur afternoon/evening and then the rest Friday. I think Chris Hunt is showing up Wed as well. Update on registration/cost... AMA D37 is up to their eyeballs right now with planning for LAB2V so we won't have a registration link after all. I'm also thinking the costs will be more like $25 each rather than the $40 I was thinking. We bought most of the food but still have to get some odds and ends so we'll know the final cost by Tue of next week most likely. FYI, this will be at cost. There's NO profit here, so keep that in mind. This is just a buddy ride. No prizes, no fluff, no professionally led babysitting This is all volunteer and no one, including me, is assuming any liability for your safety. If you show up, you are agreeing to hold no one liable other than yourself. That said, we always help each other when someone needs it. We are doing chili Friday night and pulled pork on Sat night. We will have salad and veggies too, as well as some adult beverages. I think last year I brought 12 IPA's and a 30 pack of Coors Light. I would encourage you to buy beer at the restaurant at PSR. They have a beer collection that is LEGENDARY! They have like 16' of cooler space with just craft beers from all over the place. They'd appreciate the business too. Their breakfast is pretty good and not a bad value at $10. Their lunch and dinners get pricey; more like $30 for an entree and drink. Showers are hot. Their tap water is drinkable. They have wi-fi but it's REALLY weak. It's satellite based and when more than a few get online, you can barely get email even. Gas. Keep in mind your fuel range as gas is really spread out there. There is gas at PSR but very pricey. I tend to top off in Trona or Olancha on the way up (depending on your route). There's gas at Stovepipe Wells but it's only 89 octane ( I use it anyway when I need it). There's also gas at Furnace Creek, Shoshone, Beatty, Big Pine. Route selection. Like High Sierra, we will assemble three groups based on your ability/goals for that day into three groups: A, B and C. A will be faster and more agile riders who come because they want their ride fix; to ride some challenging terrain and not wait around all day. Please show some consideration for that and honestly assess your own abilities so we don't repeat what we had last year with "that guy." B groups will be intermediate riders and can do almost any well established track in Death Valley save a few (Lippincott, Goler, Steele Pass, etc...). The A/B tracks may in fact be the same but the A group will probably average closer to 30 mph for the day; B in the lower 20's. For example, the A group last year was supposed to do Chloride Cliffs, back side of Beatty, Titus Canyon and the Charcoal kilns. The B group could still do all that minus the Charcoal Kilns (time). An A group route this year I am considering is Hunter Mountain, Teakettle Junction, Racetrack, Lippincott, Saline Valley Hot Springs and then back. Another ambitious route for an A or Be group might be Hunter Mountain, Saline Valley through North Pass to Big Pine then south on 395 to take a drive into the Reward mine! C group might consider Ubehebe Crater to Racetrack and back with maybe Skiddoo, Agueberry Point, Charcoal Kilns thrown in on the way back. Or Furnace Creek to West Side Road then Badwater, Artists' Palette drive, 20 Mule Team Trail, maybe Dante's Peak and then back. The pavement in Death Valley National Park is second to none and you could still have the MOST awesome ride had you never even touched dirt. Artists' Palette drive near sunset is unbeatable. Due to the rains, all of that might be wishful thinking but then that's all part of the adventure, right?
    1 point
  3. add me to the list, I am currently in British Columbia but will be making my way south this sunday, probably wont catch Chris Hunt in portland but should see you all down there soon.
    1 point
  4. I'm in site 27 next to the group site. I have never reserved that one but I think we'll be fine. We'll probably have a fire in my fire pit or maybe over near one of the tent cabins if someone reserved one of those. Nice video, Arwi! I loved the Titus footage as well as the Beyond Starbucks sticker. Here's a Titus video I did a long time ago. I decided to shut the motor off and just coast through it in silence.
    1 point
  5. DV last Dec w/Thierry and Tolga of Ride Must Go On
    1 point
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