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7 hours ago, Eric Hall said:

Couple other things...

I shared a few people’s stories because they had great photography and they tagged me but these “new post” tactics got old really fast so I don’t share those anymore. I think it comes off as excessively self-promoting.

I also don’t share stories with any interactive features like a hot meter or vote because when shared these features won’t work and leaves my viewer frustrated. This AfricaTwin account does that all the time. I said I love that they tag me but their hot meters won’t work when shared.

I’ve also been deleting recent posts that don’t hit 1% engagement or better because Instagram’s damn algorithm has been hammering me. I’ll share an engaging post and get a ton of comments; like 30-40 but get barely .5% engagement and then see a feed with a fourth of my size get three times as much as I did. Why is that? Their more recent average engagement is higher than mine so the algorithm lets more people see theirs. I hate gaming it but it is what it is.


Hey thanks for the insight. Now that I am aware, I will be an avid commentor on your intsagram.

Wicked posts by the way. I am living vicariously through them.

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  • 1 month later...
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I had a really disturbing experience the other day as I received a crap-ton of piss and vinegar from someone who's obviously deluded or at the very least extremely unhappy with their life.

Nonetheless, I find it an opportunity to discuss exactly how this "business" model works for me here at XLADV and in the world of social media in general.  Much of this is new for many people and while there are those like Kim Kardashian who get millions for a mere mention online as well as agencies specializing in online influencers, adventure motorcycles is a quiet backwater of the Internet and very few if any are familiar with how these things work, or familiar with concepts like impressions, engagement, cpm and cpc.

XLADV is primarily a forum that happens to have social media as a means to funnel people back here to the forum.  While we've gotten pretty big in social media, those are mediums that tend to be a mile wide and an inch deep but it's one of things you have to do these days.  Since the advent of Facebook, it's been pretty hard on all forums across the board.  Even ADVrider as big as they are has experienced decreased traffic and digital "share of mind" due to social media.  San Diego adventure riders, a fairly large regional adv forum has had a decline as well in overall user sessions.  ThumperTalk, our sister site, continues to thrive though probably because they've been around so much longer and have a great user experience.  They have probably 25 times the user sessions/month we do.

Facebook, while still quite big, probably "jumped the shark" a few years ago (2016) as new accounts tapered off as well as time spent online (session length).  FB is older and younger people aren't on FB and never will be.  In just the past week we've seen FB lose something like $35B in market cap value so my hope is that people will eventually come back to forums like XLADV as a place to discuss big adventure bikes without being censored or "corrected" for their views on tires and oil, lol.  And how many times have you seen the same questions asked and answered in just a week?  Topical yes, but not very deep or valuable.

Be that as it may, this is still barely "beer money" for me and is simply a hobby.  It's barely bigger now for me than it was in 2018 but I keep doing it because I believe community is a huge part of motorcycling and it's just a lot of fun.

So how does it all work then?  Well, people and/or brands increasingly find the old media ways (TV, print) of advertising are not getting through to their audiences so they will pay for advertising online in various ways.  They pay for things like views, clicks, engagement, etc...  You can Google cpm (cost per thousand impressions) and cpc (cost per click) for Instagram and Facebook and you'll find an answer easily available.  You'll pay roughly between $8-$10 per thousand impressions on Instagram (and about $3.50/click) depending on the geography and how difficult your audience is to find.  Adventure motorcyclists aren't as easy to find on Instagram.

My "value proposition" with XLADV is that I'll give you a better deal with me than you'll pay with Instagram (or Facebook).  For example, we did a 3 month "campaign" with a brand last fall and gave them 5.2 times more in value in impressions and clicks than they would have gotten directly with Instagram AND they got a better target audience.  Because of that, we're now close to getting them on an annual contract.  I've also had a few other companies choose XLADV for quite some time: Motoz USA, TFX Suspension, Klim, Rigg Gear, etc...  I've documented all these performance measures and that's resulted in new relationships too such as a new one with Yuasa Batteries.

But not everyone speaks this new digital language and are not familiar with how it works even despite being shown in a very simple way.  I can't please everyone so that's why I will offer a money back guarantee.  I also work with clients to explain how the digital landscape works and how they can better manage their online activities from advertising to SEO.

This person I mentioned at the start got at least 7 posts for nearly 300,000 impressions which would have otherwise cost them roughly $3,000 on Instagram; easily a 10 fold return on their investment but somehow I'm the "con man."  (They never actually started their business and their website is no longer available).

I had another brand get upset that I wasn't promoting them anymore but when I was able to show them they'd already received $2600 in impressions and clicks for the $200 item they gave me, they understood.  I've had other brands basically expect free promotion in perpetuity for an item they provided.  Other brands I continue to freely help out because they are good people and have helped me in the past.

All business is a mutual exchange of value.  I will pay someone $10 for something I think is worth $11.  You'll work for someone who pays you a wage that in most cases is just under what you're worth to them.  I strive to give people more than what they pay for so they'll come back for more and that's worked 90% of the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Great article here on an experiment to boost three people’s Instagram followers.


Crazy: there are 140 million people with over 100,000 followers. Obviously that’s impossible, meaning they’re nearly all fake.



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  • 4 months later...
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The responses to this re-post are interesting...


Lots of negative comments and I completely understand why.  You need to always use caution when you encounter wildlife.  When riding through Yellowstone it's a fact that you're going to see lots of wildlife either in the road or very close to it.  You can get a sense of my thoughts on that from my video from last August riding through there.

However, I do find it interesting the Karen-like nature of social media where it's not enough to simply comment but attack the messenger (me).  I should "be ashamed of yourself (myself)," "unfollow," etc...  People can do what they like but ...

  • I have no idea the facts surrounding this video nor do I endorse this persons actions
  • I don't know what happened a minute before or after the video
  • Perhaps they stopped to take a break or some other reason and then suddenly noticed a bear walk out?
  • Not sure if the bear was about to cross the road and they stopped to let it
  • I suspect the bear hangs out there looking for people to throw it food (bears are smart and people do that a lot unfortunately)
  • Feeding wildlife puts them in danger (did not see them feed the bear)
  • Perhaps the bear was injured; had been hit by another motorist and they stopped to call for help?
  • I would never knowingly stop right next to any wild animal, let alone a bear
  • I once stopped on the side of the highway in Death Valley and then noticed two coyotes pop out of the bushes and I took a photo.  PSR told me many tourists stop there to feed them.  I certainly did not feed them nor stopped because I saw them.  
  • Many people I know who've ridden to Alaska (this is in Europe though) see bears and many take photos/video but probably more responsibly.
  • Despite the negative comments, as of right now 4,460 people like the video, have shared it 268 times, 109 have saved it and I got 14 net new followers.
  • Most comments are actually either negative or saying this is not a good idea for riders to do.  I agree and think we just performed a public service message.  That's a good thing.  Discussion is good.
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I was doing some research on Harley Davidson's promotion plan for their new Pan America and came across a post at ADVRider about their event calendar and it mentioned High Sierra in September.  I then decided to search ADVRider for "xladv" since I hadn't done so in a few years.  I was just curious what people are saying.

Much of what I found were people referencing things they saw here like a tire review or event or ride report.  I love seeing that!

However... I did see someone (I know) refer to us as "mostly Instagram..." and it made me sigh.  He's a great guy and means well (I'm not upset with him) and in a sense he's not wrong as Instagram has been an unexpected boon of exposure for us but there's much more to it.

I don't want to seem like I'm this Quixote or Sisyphus but I do truly believe that we are first and foremost about community and that a forum is in fact the best way to express that.  I know better than most that it's been really hard on forums in general since the advent of Facebook (and other social media) but there still isn't any better channel, in my opinion, than a forum.  And while we do get a lot of impressions from other social media channels and there are periods where there's no new content here, the truth is we still get a TON of traffic from people looking, learning, lurking, etc...  We get huge traffic for our review section, even old articles on compressors and threads (tires especially).

Sure you may get 20-30 likes for your review on some new luggage on FB or maybe 150 on Instagram but your review here could get 40,000 views.  Which do you think the gear manufacturers prefer?  It's also great SEO (search engine optimization) for a lot of these mom and pop moto gear vendors.  Don't forget that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't ride a motorcycle.  We do.  We also don't sell your personal information or ban you for saying you think the BLM doesn't like adventure motorcycles or that this or that manufacturer knew about a problem longer than they let on.

Even ADVrider has seen a huge drop off in traffic.  But...  Facebook you can say "jumped the shark" at least 6-8 years ago when new user growth started to taper along with time spent online.  FB has always had a demographic problem as most young people aren't on in it and never will be.  Many people (yours truly) aren't using FB at all anymore (other than for XLADV).  So it's my view that forums will survive, even like some kind of hardy rodent burrowed deep in the ground that survived the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs, lol.

I accept reality but still haven't found any social media out there that truly fosters a sense of community like a forum can.  I like many things about social media find it also can be extremely shallow, narcissistic and foster many of humanity's worst traits.  There aren't any in-depth ride reports or technical knowledge that persist long term on social media; what's posted one day is essentially gone for good a day later.  The same questions get asked and answered, re-asked and re-answered weekly.

I'd honestly had never bothered to create a forum had I believed in the virtues of social media.  I'm no dummy either as I got my "techno-mba" in 1998 and was a part of two major consumer packaged goods companies' efforts to leverage the Internet; was a dot com pioneer in 2000; hired Tom Anderson one of the guys who went on to start MySpace, etc...  "Okay, Boomer" is not a familiar phrase to me, lol.  I'm Gen X.

I will still play the Instagram "game" but really don't want this community to be defined by it. 


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1 hour ago, Eric Hall said:

The responses to this re-post are interesting...


Lots of negative comments and I completely understand why.  You need to always use caution when you encounter wildlife.  When riding through Yellowstone it's a fact that you're going to see lots of wildlife either in the road or very close to it.  You can get a sense of my thoughts on that from my video from last August riding through there.

However, I do find it interesting the Karen-like nature of social media where it's not enough to simply comment but attack the messenger (me).  I should "be ashamed of yourself (myself)," "unfollow," etc...  People can do what they like but ...

  • I have no idea the facts surrounding this video nor do I endorse this persons actions
  • I don't know what happened a minute before or after the video
  • Perhaps they stopped to take a break or some other reason and then suddenly noticed a bear walk out?
  • Not sure if the bear was about to cross the road and they stopped to let it
  • I suspect the bear hangs out there looking for people to throw it food (bears are smart and people do that a lot unfortunately)
  • Feeding wildlife puts them in danger (did not see them feed the bear)
  • Perhaps the bear was injured; had been hit by another motorist and they stopped to call for help?
  • I would never knowingly stop right next to any wild animal, let alone a bear
  • I once stopped on the side of the highway in Death Valley and then noticed two coyotes pop out of the bushes and I took a photo.  PSR told me many tourists stop there to feed them.  I certainly did not feed them nor stopped because I saw them.  
  • Many people I know who've ridden to Alaska (this is in Europe though) see bears and many take photos/video but probably more responsibly.
  • Despite the negative comments, as of right now 4,460 people like the video, have shared it 268 times, 109 have saved it and I got 14 net new followers.
  • Most comments are actually either negative or saying this is not a good idea for riders to do.  I agree and think we just performed a public service message.  That's a good thing.  Discussion is good.

Nothingburger Eric. Those that complained have already forgotten about it until they find the next opportunity to showcase their greatness. Virtue signaling on-line is at epidemic levels.


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Just posted a vid on how to increase your exposure on your product reviews by posting them here at the forum.  You'll expand your reach way beyond people who are already following you.  FB and IG are fun but you'll never get as much exposure and it will be among people most likely already following you.

I discovered this recently when viewing web stats for the forum and seeing huge traffic inbound from search engines for reviews and many reviews having huge levels of views.

Understand that people more often begin their search for a product review at Google and because Google competes with FB and IG you're not likely to see links to either of them on the first, second or third pages.  You'll find reviews here at XLADV though!


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9 hours ago, Eric Hall said:

Just posted a vid on how to increase your exposure on your product reviews by posting them here at the forum.  You'll expand your reach way beyond people who are already following you.  FB and IG are fun but you'll never get as much exposure and it will be among people most likely already following you.

I discovered this recently when viewing web stats for the forum and seeing huge traffic inbound from search engines for reviews and many reviews having huge levels of views.

Understand that people more often begin their search for a product review at Google and because Google competes with FB and IG you're not likely to see links to either of them on the first, second or third pages.  You'll find reviews here at XLADV though!



Says "video unavailable".

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...
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Haven't posted here in a while and thought I'd catch you up on some IG hysteria.

Last time it was the UpshitOffline drama.  Now it's some woman who called a post (woman lifting a GS) "sexist garbage!"


I reached out to her and was calm and was trying to figure out her logic.  Turns out that was not only a mistake but she was mad at what someone else wrote (even though I agreed with her!).  The other guy said something to the effect of "sure but show me a woman who can lift a gs out on the trail in real life conditions."  Well I know many women riders who  ride GS's offroad just fine.  They train, practice and ride with others who can help.  So what?  But this snowflake was mad I guess because I hadn't deleted this guy's comment.  Sorry but that's just his opinion.  I don't agree with it either but it's just his opinion.  #snowflake

I did a poll to see if followers felt it was "sexist garbage" or a badass rider.  So far it's 43:3 (4 weren't followers; this ain't Chicago).

But later I got a nasty message from "meerkatadv."  I found his FB page and he appears to be an acolyte of UpshitOffline.  #hatersgonnahate



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Follow up on a few items...

So when I woke up the next day I found IG had deleted the post!  With zero explanation.  So naturally I posted it again, lol.

And MeerkatADV is a new meme.  I'm throwing up one a day and people seem to like them.

I shared a video (Matt Spears) of a guy riding his tricked out Hyabusa in the dunes.  Went to bed disappointed it only had 400 likes (1% would be 1880).  Woke up and had over 4,000!  Turns out some super popular Bollywood actor share it in his story.  He has 14.1 mm followers.  I thought that was cool.

And as noted in another thread, apparently Upshift Online is basically calling it quits.  Not easy to make it in media today with all the changes but it does make sense.

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  • 4 months later...

last news about lewandowski

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Mistakenly Identified as Deceased by TransUnion: An Increasing Concern

Mistakes in credit reporting can have very detrimental effects. One of the most alarming mistakes people may experience is having their credit bureaus, such as **TransUnion**, mistakenly report them as dead. This significant mistake can have a significant harmful impact on everything from career chances to credit applications. It is imperative in such cases to know how to dispute a background check and to manage the challenges of credit report disputes.

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Picture finding out you are mistakenly listed as deceased on your credit record. This is not an uncommon situation, however. Persons in this situation must act swiftly to rectify it. One important first step can be to contact a background check lawyer or a deceased on credit report lawyer. Specialists in background check errors, these experts can give the assistance you need to fix your credit report.

How to Contest a Background Check

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The Role of Attorneys in Resolving Credit Report Errors

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Preventing Future Errors

When the error is fixed, actions must be taken to avoid it from recurring. Routinely inspecting for errors in your credit report can help find problems early on. Preventive credit monitoring and being aware of how to dispute a background check can help safeguard against potential mistakes. Should inconsistencies arise, responding swiftly to **dispute a background check** can lessen the impact of these errors on your private and financial life.

In conclusion, it can be distressing when TransUnion reports you as deceased. However, with the right method and support from skilled specialists like a background check lawyer, persons can handle the journey of disputing these errors and regaining their creditworthiness.

Learn more: https://bucceri-pincus.com/kyle-buc/
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iStore este sursa ta de incredere cu informatii actualizate si complete despre produsele Apple[url=https://istore.md/].[/url] Aici vei gasi cea mai larga gama de dispozitive - de la cele mai recente iPhone-uri care schimba literalmente lumea tehnologiei mobile, pana la puternicele computere Apple Mac care au devenit standardul printre profesionistii creativi.
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СОУТ: комплексная защита здоровья работников

На современной рынке труда обеспечение безопасных условий работы — это приоритет для любого предприятия. Компания Safety Systems Group предоставляет услуги по специальной оценке условий труда (СОУТ), направленных на выявление и снижение вредных факторов на рабочих местах. Наша цель — создание комфортных и безопасных условий для всех сотрудников, что положительно сказывается на производительности и мотивации.

Этапы проведения СОУТ и преимущества для вашей организации

Проведение СОУТ включает несколько ключевых этапов. Сначала проводится подготовка и сбор необходимой документации, потом специалисты оценивают рабочие места и идентифицируют риски. На последнем этапе составляется отчет, где даются рекомендации по улучшению условий труда. [url=https://safetysystemsgroup.com/sout3]Комиссия по проведению СОУТ[/url] не только способствует соблюдению законодательства, но и повышает доверие сотрудников к работодателю.

Почему клиенты выбирают нас?

Наша компания имеет аккредитацию и многолетний опыт в сфере охраны труда. Наши профессионалы используют передовые методы и оборудование для осуществления СОУТ, обеспечивая точность и объективность оценки. Мы работаем с компаниями различных отраслей, предлагая персонализированные и оптимальные решения. Наши услуги по специальной оценке условий труда — ваш шаг к безопасной и здоровой рабочей атмосфере.

Надежные условия работы — залог успеха.

Создание безопасных условий труда — это не только соблюдение нормативных требований, но также забота о здоровье и благополучии работников. [url=https://safetysystemsgroup.com/sout3]Эксперт СОУТ[/url] позволяет выявить и устранить потенциальные угрозы, что ведет к снижению уровня травматизма и повышению эффективности работы. Обращайтесь в Safety Systems Group, чтобы создать безопасные условия для своих сотрудников и улучшить атмосферу в коллективе.
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Given current challenges, office workers want methods to minimize commuting stress and increase productivity. E-scooters provide a steady and budget-friendly way for routine travel, assisting you to arrive work punctually, bypassing parking issues.

As many e-scooters are equipped with lightweight designs and rapid recharging, they're easy to store, through conference rooms or public transport. Plug in your e-scooter at job sites to verify you're ready for the commute home.

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Измерение освещенности на рабочих местах
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Say Adieu to Excess Pounds and Your Handbook to Household Fitness Success!

Are you geared up to bid farewell to excess pounds and welcome a fitter and more healthy you? Our inclusive guide to residential fitness success is here to support you on your journey to accomplish your weight loss goals. In this detailed blog post, we'll examine the benefits of keeping fit at home and how it can accelerate your progress towards a leaner, stronger body. From the simplicity of being capable to work out anytime, anywhere to the flexibility of tailoring your workouts to your specific needs, household fitness presents unparalleled advantages. We'll also offer practical tips on how to put in place your very own dwelling gym, such as recommendations for equipment and exercises that target stubborn areas. Whether you're just getting started your weight loss journey or scanning to break through a plateau, our goal is to present you with the guidance and support you need to succeed. Say farewell to excess pounds and welcome a healthier, happier you with home fitness!

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