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  6. МОСКВА, 7 мая — РИА Новости. Правительство России, возглавляемое Михаилом Мишустиным, уйдет в отставку во вторник. Сразу после инаугурации президента Владимира Путина нынешний кабинет министров сложит полномочия перед вступившим в должность главой государства. [url=https://xrumer.us/]Прогон по комментария[/url]
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  8. This tire has been out nearly a year now and it's safe to say it's very good! Lot's of mileage (~7k miles seems average) and very good street performance. They're calling it 50/50 in Europe but I disagree strongly with that. The US is calling it 60/40 dirt/street which makes sense. But... I recall Michellin tried to call their Wild "60/60" because it did both so well and I called BS. But now I understand that with the Raid. It's better than most 50/50 tires in the dirt and better still on pavement. They call the Mission 70/30 (street/dirt) in the EU which I also disagree with. The Michellin Adventure is 70/30 and the Mission is light years better in the dirt. But they kind of painted themselves in a corner calling the Mission 50/50 in the US and couldn't have the new Raids be 50/50 too and make any sense. The lesson here is the percent dirt/street designations are largely subjective. You as a rider know how they work and what tire is best for you.
  9. Did some of the best riding ever this past weekend with a great bunch of riders. We did three days near La Dorada. Hot as balls though; about 100 f with humdity. Had a "tour from Hell" a few months ago and talked about it in the latest episode at the podcast. Who you ride with turns out to be really important, lol. So even though I need a new rear spring (im too big) the bike handled it all very well. The TrailMax Mission tires were actually quite good. Lots of dirt, loose gravel, mud and a bit of sand. I really haven't had this much fun riding here in Colombia before. It's usually boring GS roads and more mud than you'd even want to see. Got a nail but it’s only through the block and not losing air.
  10. I have stickers but since I live in Colombia now and don't trust their postal service they're not for sale. sorry
  11. Got stickers? Awesome! I'd love to get some. Do you still have any patches available too? Those would be great to add to my collection.
  12. Eric Hall

    Rally Darien

    A friend of mine introduced me to the guy who runs Rally Darien (Gustavo) last year and so we went to the rally this year. The thing is though, I didn't know we'd be racing. I thought as "tourismo" class I'd just hang out at the bivouac and take photos/video but they actually let us race! Had I known that I would have gotten a new stiffer spring in the rear and some nobbies. i would have taken my panniers off too. There's a road book app we used but it didn't work for me the first day so I just followed my friend Tomas. But ... he made a wrong turn and we ended up doing like a kilometer of deep mud. I said "dude, do you see any motorcycle tracks here?!" lol But that not only gassed me out but I got this bad spasm in my back and so day 1 was as far as I got. But the course was very doable. There was a prologue then two more days of special stages. I'm still waiting of official photos the profressionals took so I'll post those soon.
  13. Excited to explore the XLADV merchandise thread! From stylish apparel to functional gear, it's the perfect place for adventure enthusiasts to gear up and showcase their passion for exploration.
  14. Good morning to everyone!!!!!Every year a large group of motorcyclists welcomes the Holy Light from Kavala airport at Greeceand accompanies it to the central church of Chrysoupolis city Kavala.This year, 2024, the airport management did not allow entry of motorcycles to avoid any negative events,the block in the node can also be seen in the video,although unpleasant events have never been in the past.This year, the established Holy Ride had a symbolic character.Here's the video: (wear earplugs)!
  15. Good morning to everyone !For me guys this is the best sound (until today)from exhaust in Tenere 700.A sunny and quick ride out to one of the beaches in my area.Kavala Greece.Turns, narrow roads, bridges and a crazy provincial straight that I reach top speed somewhere in the 8th minute.There is also an unexpected confusion from 2nd to 3rd gear in the speeds, a small thing.Here's the video
  16. well, at the next video i hope that i capture the sound more accurate... i already order one zoom h1n recorder. i'll see !
  17. Good evening to all !!Here is my pride, the Tenere 700 with a recent change in full body exhaust, filter and program.+5.5 horses that didn't spoil us at all!The sound from the camera does not accurately reflect the sound of the exhaust, but what did we do!
  18. Don't have to wait until Prudhoe Bay - this mod failed on the way to Death Valley. The liner cracked and the adhesive failed without any temp or weather duress. I've since shot the tops with a bedliner, something I should have done from the start.
    I put a pair on my Tiger 800XC before I gave it to my daughter. We were running part of the Pony Express trail in Utah's West Desert when she hit a berm and corkscrewed the bike into the ground doing a complete rollover. The Tiger sustained as much if not more damage on the top of the bike, the bars especially, taking off the windscreen, and scrapping the top of the instrument cluster and both brake and clutch fluid reservoirs. I saw her go down in my mirrors and whipped around to help her out. She had righted by the time I arrived and when I walked up to see how she was doing, she was putting the Double Takes back into position, both reflective surfaces unbroken, much like her. I now have Double Takes on my Tiger Explorer. In my opinion, there's not a better aftermarket mirror.
  19. Not long ago I was getting into my Boxster and parked next to it was a minivan with a family still inside. I got in it, started the car and put the top down in it’s little technological show of engineering. “That’s so sick,” said the goth teenage girl who watched along side her dad. Her dad said to me, “So, is that your midlife crisis?” I tried not to be indignant. “Do I look like I’m having a crisis?” and I pulled out and away. Not me. I’m different. What I feel is different. Who I am, what I believe, what I value is different and that qualifies me to promote Dos Equis, not suffer some crisis of identity or happiness. I’m grounded, can’t you tell by my vanity plate? A failure in perception, in judgement, in sense is enough to set me back and bring me down many notches, confirming what my gut has been whispering all along; you’re not good enough, smart enough, handsome enough, faking it all along until you set yourself up to some litmus test of character that confirms all those suspicions. And that, I believe, by definition must be what is meant by midlife crisis. I’m not superhuman after all.
    I went with Motoz's Tractionator GPS and recently broke them in on a trip to Death Valley where they ran the gamut of 50/50. Six hundred highway miles broke them in where they started off a bit viby, but later seated into proper slabbing manners, likewise on the paved twisties in Death Valley where they cornered well without walking out. I took them off road to The Racetrack in some of the most varied terrain compressed into thirty miles and once I found their sweet spot in speed and bite and began to appreciate them even more. Sand, shale, baby heads, volcanic sand and marbles all seemed impervious to the GPS' grip once I got my own riding positions dialed in. Their coup de gras, though, came in on my way home through Utah's I-15 corridor where I ran very wet and slushy conditions of 167 miles of blizzard with increased confidence. My upcoming coast-to-coast ride will rack their 9k mile rating, especially on pavement, so these current skins will be replaced with another set in June for the Prudhoe Bay adventure. For comparison, I've run Karoo 3s, Anakee Wilds, and Shinko 705s. The Tractionators have outperformed these (not hard to do with Shinko). We'll see how the noise is after a few thousand miles.
  20. Sorry for the spam. It's automated and don't know how to block people from signing up yet. I delete them everyday but am leaving on a 9 day ride and don't have access to the admin link on my phone (laptop only). Please be patient and I'll scrub it all once I get back.
  21. Seems almost natural to kick off this riding season with a trip to Death Valley. It’s been at the top of the list for a number of years now, either overland or adventure riding, especially with my fascination with the phenomenon of the Racetrack, and with health issues compounding, it was time to check it off. This trip the bike would be doing so much better than I with a new cylinder head and many, many other necessary bits, pieces and tuning to get it back to new factory spec, thanks to the service staff and techs at Eurosports Utah. My own organic cylinder head is now conspiring against me with the discovery of an ascending aortic aneurysm whose girth isn’t quite at the alarming stage, but it’s disconcerting nonetheless. This wasn’t in the chemo brochure, but I’m still on the sunny side of the soil, still able to throw my leg over the seat and keep the Tiger upright when I come to a stop. For the most part. I had a new riding companion join me on this journey as well, Shawn Devevan, former colleague and current friend from my university days. Shawn showed a lot of interest in my documented journeys and decided to venture a bit further into the ADV realm with the purchase of a 2015 Triumph Tiger Explorer 1200 XC and plans to join me on the Prudhoe Bay, Alaska trip coming up. Shawn and I made it to Death Valley without incident, despite a side street tour of North Las Vegas. We took the Beatty Junction way into the northeast entrance to Furnace Creek where shortly after we found a campsite in the Sunset campground, a first-come, first-served area. Furnace Creek CG and Texas Springs were full, and Sunset was quickly filling up that Saturday afternoon. Not much to speak of other than plumbed restrooms and potable water stations. Campsite had no fire rings or tables, but I can’t imagine wanting either when the temps are above the century mark. Temperatures considered, we were there at Death Valley’s peak season. It was as if I could feel the air change as we descended the Amargosa Mountains into The Valley. I know that’s not plausible, but it is in my head, this temporal tipping point. I can’t put a finger on what that change was, temperature, aridness, pressure, all three I’m sure, because in minutes we went from sixty-four degrees to seventy-four degrees. Aside from Furnace Creek’s oasis, there’s not much evidence of anything living in The Valley, save for the RVs, tents, overlanders and the Hotel California in the distance. And again, I was rocked a bit by The Valley’s proof of things to come and how little it made me feel. I’ve written before about what I’m now calling Puny Human Complex, something at which national parks, oceans, and motorcycles are especially adept. Not only does Death Valley make me feel small, I feel insignificant here, and it doesn’t matter, another tipping point. At one juncture in our wanderings we made our way up to Artists Palette, a one-way meander through Death Valley’s remarkably colorful patina. The first stop was a vista overlooking the range’s trajectory down to the salty valley. I’ve seen so many views like this that snapping a frame of them is only symbolic. It doesn’t matter, the frame will never catch what the optic nerve is transmitting. Then to seemingly descend the level of insignificance, much like going lower than sea level, we motored to Badwater Basin and witnessed the come-back of a dead lake. Tipped. I can only hope the Great Salt Lake is as lucky. I got up early in the mornings and stood true to my resolve of getting a walk in every day. The first day delivered me to a spot evidenced of the atmospheric river’s visit August previous where every rock appeared to have turned turn over as the flooding raced to the basin. I could hear it there in my head, much like the pebbles sound on every wave’s egress at Pescadero. The Valley became a bit more indelible to me. We covered a lot of ground from our center in Furnace Creek and as the miles went on I kept telling myself that what I was seeing and smelling wasn’t much different than a combination of Southern Utah’s Desert with the shores of the Great Salt Lake, which evoked the thought of why here, I mean besides being 262 feet below sea level. What’s so special about this place? I realized it’s not that this place wasn’t special, it was folding my own habituation back into what I think is my reality that tried to numb me to it. The true tipping point came on our attempt on day-three to make it to the Racetrack. It’s a thirty-mile out and back over the same ground that got the same pounding further south. If one ever needed to feel less significant, riding over this stuff can deliver. Logging any miles on just about any dirt road will yield some civilized stretches, if even they exist only to promote false hope. The road to the Racetrack wasn’t any different except for the length and quantity of these stretches. If I remember correctly, it was one and it was about fifty yards. I rode the Tiger’s pegs for the most part, standing up over my windscreen with an unimpeded view, the Tiger’s hydraulics doing their best to keep the terrain’s washboard from my bones, my fillings in particular. My own experience with similar conditions was to use speed to my advantage, enough momentum to make it through sand, shale and babyheads, compress the washboards, and let the almost seven hundred pounds (rider’s displacement included) float beneath me. This worked to my advantage on this road, too, until I assumed I could read its deceptive terrain. What would look like hard pack was more like quick sand, forcing my ass as far back on my seat as possible to pull as much weight as possible off the handlebars. Then Shawn went down. Just past the Playa of the moving rocks, almost to the fork in the road that takes us to the Racetrack, he lost control from the sand’s relentless battering of his front wheel. His Tiger suffered more damage than he, but I’m certain he felt more pain. Then I went down. After we got Shawn and his Tiger righted, we returned to the Playa to walk things off and take a picture of a rock, where he discovered his GoPro was missing. I went back up the road to look for it and quickly relearned a lesson in fixation and went into a tall berm. The bike hit and tipped just beyond it weight’s force pulling it down through its center, it’s literal tipping point, but not all the way over, and yet, I could not right the bike. I couldn’t budge it. Shawn ran over to help and after I got back on I found his GoPro just another half-mile down the road. We walked out onto the Playa found a rock with a track and took its picture. And then I felt adequately immersed enough in this park to apply the sticker. It was on our way back, just past Tea Kettle Junction when I went down, sand underfoot and tire, and hard pack under hip and shoulder. My Explorer straddled two thirds of the narrow grade, so I tried to right it. It was fully tipped, resting on its right-side pannier and engine guard. I got into the defensive tackle position, put my shoulder into the tank and pushed forward while lifting the handlebar with my right hand and the oh-shit handle at the back with my left. I raised it up, reaching that apex where you know if you clear it, that tipping point, you’ll succeed the rest of the way. But I didn’t. I tried again and there was nothing, not even a token budge from the old Tiger. I laid it down three more times, at a stand-still. I put my foot down to steady the bike and it was as if the weight’s force was dialed up to my hip, the center too high to maintain, and my leg gave out and I dropped the Tiger Explorer, this time without the ability to right it. I said at the receipt of my cancer diagnosis that I’d probably stop riding when I could no longer hold up the Tiger, even unloaded. I lied. Instead I am prepared to do that thing that incubates dread in the most dedicated gym rat; leg day.
  22. Join Brian, Ed and mself on our ride around the Great Divide to the amazing pearls of the National Parks of the West; the North Rim, Mesa Verde, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, The Great Sand Dunes, Rocky Mountain, The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. Get some bugs on you and find out why they ride and how those reasons change on the road.
  23. Many of you may recall I was drugged and robbed 3 years ago here in Medellin shortly after I got here. I did an interview with a guy (A.K. Joel) for his YouTube channel but he's since deleted it saying it wasn't the type of audience he was looking for. Similarly, an adv type magazine editor told me it's not the type of story they like to run because sponsors only want happy tales of adventure that inspire people to go out and ride their adventure. I wrote something up for another magazine but I found out she hadn't read it when she asked me "for more photos from Mexico to accompany the story. But this last weekend we heard about the attack and rape of VueltaenMudon (Vicente and Fernanda) and it really made me sad and angry and stirred up more feelings from my own experience. There was another couple recently had the same thing happen in Belize. So I thought it was time to tell me own story on the podcast. This is a Spotify link but you can find it on Apple podcast too, just search for xladv.
  24. Follow up on a few items... So when I woke up the next day I found IG had deleted the post! With zero explanation. So naturally I posted it again, lol. And MeerkatADV is a new meme. I'm throwing up one a day and people seem to like them. I shared a video (Matt Spears) of a guy riding his tricked out Hyabusa in the dunes. Went to bed disappointed it only had 400 likes (1% would be 1880). Woke up and had over 4,000! Turns out some super popular Bollywood actor share it in his story. He has 14.1 mm followers. I thought that was cool. And as noted in another thread, apparently Upshift Online is basically calling it quits. Not easy to make it in media today with all the changes but it does make sense.
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      The 5.5” display is brighter than previous models and can be seen in any light. It’s also glove-friendly with crisp HD resolution in landscape or portrait mode.

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    • This video came out a few weeks ago and says things we already know about how great this new bike is and how eagerly anticipated it is.

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    • In the heat of summer, experience the cooler temps (6800' elevation) and epic big bike riding in the High Sierra. Gourmet catered meals (2 dinners, 2 breakfasts), professional photography, firewood, adult beverages, hot showers, bathrooms, nearby hot springs, general store. Vendor-sponsored raffle prizes! All to benefit Motorrad Angels(motorradangels.org), a charity that provides clean water filtration kits around the world.
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    • This mirror is the product of much frustration- I spent years breaking other designs and wondering what was going on behind me on the road. Eventually, when I dropped my bike and found myself buying two(!) new master cylinders as a result, I decided it was time to make a really good mirror, one that would function well as a mirror, and also protect the bike (and me) from damage.
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    • Time, 05:15 h. My alarm clock rings and it’s time for me to get my breakfast in my stomach, take a shower and jump on my bike! The 1,5 hour drive to the TT race track in Assen took me to the TT junior track and the CRT Holland training ground for the CRE track training. Here I met with 37 fellow Suzuki riders. Greeting us where the men and women from Suzuki Motors Holland who set up this training day.
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