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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2015 in all areas

  1. Recently the folks at Madstad Engineering reached out to see if we wanted to test one their unique windscreen design. The stock unit on my Triumph Tiger 800XC is ok for speeds below 65mph, but on the freeway, the turbulence and buffeting is pretty noticeable, especially on my shoulders. So, I figured why not see what they can do. If you're not familiar with their concept, http://www.madstad.com/ The cool part is, they are local to me! Had no idea. So, I'm going to slab over to their shop this week to meet the designer in person, check out their operation, and install one of their windscreens. of course, I'll write up a full review and share that I learned. Anyone else using a Madstad? What's been your experience? Demo video on a Tiger...
    1 point
  2. Hey everybody, Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Looks like a cool little forum and Cant wait to get started!! Dakota
    1 point
  3. Same here -- ride safe! I'd like to hear what you think about those Bilt helmets -- specifically the Bluetooth use and quality of sound.
    1 point
  4. Well, I'm happy to report the black powder coat has held up when skid plate was thrown around the garage during install. I'll keep you updated NavyNuke. TOStester, my wife knows your right. We've done all our preparation and ready to ROLL EARLY IN THE A.M. and as luck would have it...I was called into work tomorrow!!!!!!!! I began pacing around the house chanting the battle cry for this trip, "DirtyHeads or Bust!" Late start for me & Wifey!!!
    1 point
  5. Made my way over to the Madstad folks this morning. Weather has been pretty dicey lately (lots of rain, thunder & lightening), so happy to see a break. Madstad Engineering World Domination HQ Mark Stadnyk, the founder of Madstad Engineering was kind enough to give me a tour of their facility and install the product. I normally like to install stuff myself, but Mark is a good wrench and I got to hear tidbits about the product as each piece was installed. Samson Haired Mark Stadnyk There are are couple of different screen shapes for my Tiger 800XC, but I went with what Mark recommended (a little wider). However, he sent me home with both so that I can see which one I like, both aesthetically and functionally. The ride back was about 25 miles, and while I don't want to spoil the more in depth review that I'll be performing, I will say that it was worth the trip, including getting absolutely soaked the last 7 miles of my way home. Mark is clearly passionate about what he does and their 60 day customer satisfaction guarantee is almost unheard of. Madstad windscreens are one of the most expensive aftermarket screens on the market and while Mark is confident in what they put out, if the rider isn't happy, he's not happy, so he puts his money where his mouth is. Good people from what I saw. http://www.madstad.com/s.nl/sc.12/.f If you're interested, watch for my product review after some miles of slab and dirt... Well, sand... It's Florida.
    1 point
  6. We're happy to be sponsoring Kim Krause while she trains for the GS trophy, along with her numerous other stops along the way. Good luck Kim! And thanks for the referral Eric!
    1 point
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