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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2015 in all areas

  1. In the name of all that which is glorious and wonderful in all things moto... I present... Woody says: Our latest Superlite hub for all KTM 950/990 Adv ... 1.85x 21" Superlaced weight = 9lbs 10.5oz damn near bulletproof :>) I'm sitting here wondering what in the holy hell went on in my head that i didn't retrofit that hub 6years ago..all i needed to do was swap out bearings seals n spacers to fit KTM specs...how many hundred RAD hubs did i sell instead of mine??? Sorry folks ,,i've just had too many distractions on my plate Lots of new stuff here, folks. I will be expanding on that later. Basically even lighter and stronger than Woody's Wheels has done before. Woody isn't the Kia of wheels. More like Rolls Royce. Everything is hand made and bullet proof quality. Dakar-spec. Can't wait to get these on the bike! This is me right now...
    1 point
  2. Oh i think i see what is happening. You are not tracking on the paved roads.
    1 point
  3. Looks like a very well thought dry bag. It has some nice finishing touches such as the "daisy chain" webbing, as well as the ability to get into the bag without undoing the compression straps... When and if my Wolfman bags wear out, I'd be tempted to give a set of these a try!
    1 point
  4. Do you sit when you pee too?
    1 point
  5. Thanks, the anakees have been swapped for T63s. Knobs certainly help in the soft stuff.
    1 point
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