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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2015 in all areas

  1. Anyone interested in a Ride to Eat leaving from the Expo (Orange County Convention Center) Saturday (10/17)? Leaving in the AM, returning early afternoon. This should give you plenty of time to see the show that is open until 7 PM. We will head south into some lesser known areas of Central FL. You'll see some great long range views, sparsely traveled two lane blacktop, clay roads and perhaps a hint of sand. Big bike friendly. The grill will be fired up for lunch at a nice spot with a view! Did I mention no fee!
    1 point
  2. Shot this on a recent trip to Ocala NF. KTM 690 & 350 exc. Deep sand, lots of water and HOT, but had a great time and will def go back soon to check the other OHV's. https://youtu.be/W0XZV11T62I Brad www.adventureoperationsgroup.com
    1 point
  3. Looks like a great rally! Mountains! Interesting comment "This is my first time at a KTM rally and not to bash my BMW friends too much, but they are clearly a different breed of people altogether." I had a similar thought on BMW folks as compared to HD types at the 13 RA Rally at the Biltmore. How can you have a few thousand Motorcyclists at the same spot and not hear an engine running!
    1 point
  4. You boys out west have all the cool places to ride
    1 point
  5. that sand looked like fun! Not so much on my GSA though
    1 point
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