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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, My name is Nelson Santos and as you may guess from the topic title, I'm from Portugal. I'm 33 years old, started riding 2 year ago on a BMW G650GS and one year later I switched to is big sister R1200GSA from 2008. I dream to have a XL Adventure... so while I don't get it, I try to go to all meetings and rides I found near by to improve my riding skills and have fun. Check my post on the Pictures and Video area about a rally ride I went last week: /topic/384-big-bike-rally-raid-in-portugal/?p=2246 Wish of good adventures to all, Nelson
    1 point
  2. We all dream of an XL adventure, but ultimately an adventure is where you find it, if it takes you to new places, you ride new trails, challenges your ability, it's an adventure, we all can't ride around the world, but we can explore new places, that video looked like a good adventure, wish I could have done it, it's funny everybody wants to go someplace else to ride, when there are great rides in our own states or countries, learn to handle the big girl, your young, one day you'll get that adventure of a lifetime, you know a big adventure is really just a bunch of small ones put together, so make memories with the small ones until the big one happens, happy trails Gary
    1 point
  3. I use Bauer hockey socks for the past few years. They are boot length with ankle padding (thicker area in the sock for ice skates) that works really good with my Sidis and hiking boots. More so with the reduced lateral support of the hiking boots when I ride with them. The newest are some special blend to work with hot feet and cooler temps. About $20 a pair (black). https://www.bauer.com/hockey-apparel-on-ice-base-layer/premium/ng-performance-skate-sock
    1 point
  4. Awesome video Nelson. Brings back memories of my enduro racing days. Saludos from Central Florida.
    1 point
  5. Welcome and thanks again for posting up on the Facebook page and finding the time to sign up here. I'm noticing more and more riders from Europe and that's always a good thing
    1 point
  6. Love that video! I'd like to start doing those kinds of events but I haven't seen any local and I'm concerned I might go faster than I should and end up hurting myself
    1 point
  7. Dunderberg trail The "easy" group split into two groups on this section. It may have been labeled as "unknown". We spent a lot of time on technically challenging areas for noobs. We spent a lot of time picking up bikes. We were tired, sweaty and having a great time. Two water crossings and a herd of mule deer. Loads of fun.
    1 point
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