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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2015 in all areas

  1. Well -It's called Adventure riding! You got your moneys worth!.Forgot about your glasses breaking... Maybe you thought the water crossing was only a foot deep?- More like 3 ft deep! Fun time- Will check into some other areas while we wait for the hunters to finish chasing Bambi around.
    3 points
  2. We are going to be using a new (to us) online event registration service for this event. You may have heard of EventBrite and the AMA? They kind of have this thing figured out And you can rest assured the money's going to keep trails open and motorcyclists represented in DC. I will have a link shortly. In terms of food options, I'm considering bringing food like last year but up it a notch or two. Chili w/salad, fruit and cookies then pulled pork with veggies and cookies for dessert. And beer, of course. We'll throw in some bottled water too. Guessing cost will be $40. That registers you for the event, covers your two dinners and provides us some event insurance (always a smart thing).
    1 point
  3. Looks like Altriders CEO is in it too.
    1 point
  4. When you have a Tiger rider in your group, you don't need no stinkin' winch!
    1 point
  5. Thanks I know I'm technically challenged, but don't know what the problem was, I'll try another one and see if I have better luck. also you just added the product I wrote an actual review and was trying to post that
    1 point
  6. I just got approved to be a member on this site and I am already completely disatisfied with the way the site works. The current trend toward site building is to use these huge banner pictures and headers that appear on every page load. Requireing a scroll on every page load. This design is fine when sub-pages are coupled with a minimal top banner that doesn't take up half your screen but in this form it is an extreme annoyance. Before you chide me for being new and making waves, you should know that I am responsible for site selection for my business and others that I've worked for. My business is IT and I am keenly aware and in touch with my customers. You're building your brand on the existance of this site and how it works is essential to customers wanting to come back. Trust me when I say that you can do it better.
    1 point
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