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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2015 in all areas

  1. That was a late Thursday night thought- Glad I brought it to- GSADVRIDER is real happy I brought it!
    2 points
  2. Your tow strap came in rather handy! I think that I need to update my tool kit with one.
    2 points
  3. Can't say for sure, but it SEEMS like not are there just not a lot of ADV riders in central Florida and those that are have a hard time finding others to ride with. That's been me the last year, but through this website, I met up with a great bunch of riders yesterday. Not that I lost my passion for riding, but riding with a good group added back in the dimension that my solo riding has been missing. So, needless to say, had a great time yesterday getting dirty. We met up for breakfast at IHOP. The plan was to talk about where we'd be riding, but we ended up eating good food and just bs'n. SWL knows Richload the best, so he kindly led the group. I never see Tigers here, but they were half our group Our challenge for the day was water. As in, too much. So many of the trails were covered in water and while I love water crossings, most have been crossed by 4x4 trucks with 38" tires. So, if you don't pick the right line, you can get in deep, fast! I had installed new TKC80s, so brimming with confidence, I decided to bomb just a "big muddle puddle". Yup, found one of those 38" tire holes with the front end of my Tiger that that was all she wrote. Dropped her on the left site and got a bath in brown soup! The new waterproof Samsung Galaxy phone? Pffffft. Don't need it! My old S3 came out of my pack dripping and covered in mud. She still works great! Damn! I wanted a phone! There is always a lot of sand at Richloam and we found our share. Everyone did just fine. But, we did encounter an older rider on a GSA that looks like he broke a leg. I hope that he heels up soon! He didn't look none too pleased. He was not from our group. Rider Down! On the smoother, damp sand sections, drifting with the throttle was an absolute hoot! I think I think that I got 10mpg yesterday! But, I was just having too much fun. XMXVET thanked me for roosting him with sand; he said that it brought back some pleasant memories of his motocross riding days. Only a true dirt bike guy would say that! 👍 Later in the ride gsadvrider also decide to bomb one of those black water holes that are like a box of chocolates (never know what you're going to get) and he dropped in DEEP. When he hit the other side, when he tried to throttle out, the big girl dug a hole and the sand created suction on the rear tire & wheel. The more he tried to ride out, the worse it got. The big girl was stuck! Even with all four of us working at it, she wasn't budging! SWL, the man that has all the critical stuff with him busted out a tow strap and between his Tiger 800XC and some sweat, we managed to liberate the big girl. She fired right up, shooting water out of the exhaust. We dumped the black water out of our boots and continued the ride. Coffee Crossing Wet, dirty day and had an hoot of a time. Nice to meet all of you fellas! Let's do it again soon before FlyingTiger is off to Colorado for good. Lived up to the sticker Looking her best! New boot drying rack that I designed and am testing for market.
    1 point
  4. This event is on my list to attend for sure. Enjoyed your video, makes me want to jet up to Yosemite before it gets cold. So many events around all year, wish I could go to all of them.
    1 point
  5. My review of the Moto-Skiveez Tri-Fold Hat @ /reviews/product/767-moto-skiveez-tri-fold-hat/
    1 point
  6. Got the video done! If you like the idea of motorcycle adventure travel then you should consider a Horizons Unlimited event like this. There are SO many really great people, great stories and friends you'll make. It was a very good vibe for sure. This was my second HU event and was not disappointed. Last year's weather was cold and wet and this year was hot and dry but still a great experience.
    1 point
  7. When you have a Tiger rider in your group, you don't need no stinkin' winch!
    1 point
  8. I think of you everytime I go into my driveway now. When I got home, I took off my boots and ended up walking around in the driveway putting things away in my socks. That coffee water left footprints everywhere I walked after it was dry. At least it wasn't smelly water. Anyone know what makes the water so dark?
    1 point
  9. Excellent ride last Saturday, I enjoyed every bit of it. Great group to ride with. Thanks again for helping pulling my GSA from that BMW swallowing @$%* deep water/coffee mud bog. Will do this again anytime.
    1 point
  10. A few more pictures from Saturday's great adventure! Fun times!
    1 point
  11. It was awesome to meet and ride with everyone. And, it was a stark reminder of just how much my dirt skills have deteriorated. But, despite that, no sleep and a G.I. bug the last couple of days, I had a GREAT time. The experience revived my love for dirt! The comradery and hanging out with other bike nuts is half the fun. Bryan, thanks again for the roost! There is something oddly refreshing/invigorating about getting hit in the face with some cool, moist dirt. It did bring back some good (motocross) memories and I was grinning ear to ear inside my helmet! On another topic, I regret to inform you that Home Depot has beat you to the punch on the boot drying racks. I saw some on display in my local store today. I am really looking forward to getting back out to Richloam with the group soon! Thanks to all!
    1 point
  12. Eric you need to tell all those companies to come east and put on an exhibit and let us show them some southern hospitality 👍
    1 point
  13. Geez, my midsized Tiger has 94hp and weighs 473lbs wet. I'd have expected a few more ponies out of a full liter bike.
    1 point
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